
I wrote

Separate Circles several years back after meeting a guy who taught at the UofA. He showed me some of his poems and they inspired me to try and write something that sounded good but didn't really make any sense. I think I failed. Anyway, allot of poetry is like that. I think poetry is prized for sounding good but being vague. Its about creating a feeling that can be open to interpretation. Of course my poetry is somewhere in between. When I wrote this poem I was not thinking of anyone or any personal experience and this is the only poem of mine, up to this point, as such. Poetry for me is about expressing myself, usually out frustration or anger. As an artist I'm not for defining creation. I guess I see the importance of people trying to do so though. It makes for conversation. I say just create and call it what you will. Blah, blah, blah.

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